Frequently Asked Questions
Popular started its journey in June 1983 and within few days due to its accuracy of the reports and quality of the service, Popular became an unparallel symbol of reliability and trust from the end of respective doctors and the people of our country. To get any service and support from us, please contact us.
To make an appointment to see a Consultant, please contact our Appointment Centre:
Phone: 09613 787800
Online Appointment: You can also make appointments online through our website; please go to our homepage info@popular-hospital.com
- Appointment Centre is open from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm (Bangladesh Standard Time), Saturday to Friday (seven days a week).
- Please mention all relevant information while making an appointment (your name, age, contact details, Consultant’s name, preferred date and time, etc.).
- Based on your preferred date & time and the Consultant’s availability, our Appointment Centre will fix an appointment for you and contact you again with the details.
- Please bring all your related medical reports, prescriptions, etc. (if any) during consultation.